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Labor trends that will impact your company’s diversity

February 7, 2019
Diversity & Inclusion recently released their list of the best jobs in America for 2019. The report reveals the 50 best jobs based on a job score that was determined by analyzing job earning potential, median annual base salary, job satisfaction scores and the number of job openings.

Software engineer was the most in-demand job on the list and the highest-paid job on the list was software engineering manager. Tech jobs were the most prevalent job category on the list with 19 out of the 50 jobs being in the tech field. Some new jobs that emerged on the list include security engineer, recruiter, and brand manager. There were eight jobs in the healthcare industry represented on the list including dental hygienist, physical therapist and radiologic technologist. When analyzing this list of the best jobs in the country, it’s imperative to also understand predicted labor trends. Glassdoor’s Chief Economist, Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, predicted five job market trends to watch in 2019. One workforce disruption Chamberlain predicted is that the current demographic shifts will result in fewer workers available to hire. That means industries like tech and healthcare, which are featured on the best jobs list, will struggle to find qualified candidates. The pool of available workers is likely to be retirees and children under 18 by the year 2035. Companies must start to figure out how to best accommodate and retain the baby boomer generation, who will comprise a large portion of the American workforce, as well as Generation Z. To retain older workers, strategies like flexible work schedules and offering competitive benefits may be beneficial. In addition, offering supplementary training can be an effective way to help engage the aging employee.

Another workforce disruption Chamberlain predicted is a more hyper-focused emphasis on diversity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace. In recent years, there has been a shift from focusing solely on diversity. The main goal in organizations used to be attracting diverse talent and there was a lot of emphases put on strategies that helped increase the number of diverse employees. Now, there is more of a desire to not only seek diversity but to also create an inclusive environment where employees feel a sense of belonging. A recent Ernst & Young study revealed that one of the key methods to foster a sense of belonging in the workplace is through regular check-ins. Their research demonstrated that the simple act of asking how an employee is doing is enough to make the employee feel a sense of belonging within their organization. Companies often struggle to figure out how to foster this sense of inclusion and belonging for employees. “What we want to do is foster that sense of belonging and that sense of inclusion. And it goes beyond just building awareness for individuals…it really is both the interactions that people have with leaders…with coworkers, whether it’s small moments or big moments…and it’s also a combination of our policies and procedures and how we are building inclusion into those as well,” says Charlotte Flanagan, Diversity And Inclusion Director at Docusign. Docusign has been ranked as one of the most diverse companies when it comes to their boardroom. Flanagan shared what the company has done to attract diverse talent, particularly for their tech roles. “[Docusign] creates opportunities to bring employees together so that they don’t always feel like the ‘only’ in any room, any meeting or any situation…we’ve got a number of different employee resource groups and what’s unique about ours is how engaged they are…they’re creating opportunities to bring women that are truly in technical roles together.”

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, jobs in computer and information technology are expected to increase 13% from 2016 to 2026 and are growing faster than other occupations. The healthcare industry is also expected to see rapid growth compared to other industries, with an estimated amount of 2.4 million new jobs between 2016 to 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Recognizing the predicted trends for the upcoming years will help companies stay ahead of the curve and adapt to upcoming changes that will impact the workplace. With a predicted shortage of qualified workers, companies must invest more time, effort, and resources into deciphering how to retain these qualified and diverse employees. Putting more focus on strategies for inclusion and equity will greatly benefit any organization that wants to have longevity in an ever-evolving market.

I am a TEDx speaker, diversity and inclusion consultant, and professor, located in the New York City area. Connect with me on LinkedIn and visit my website at

By Janice Gassam

Source: Forbes

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