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Latest News: Borderless Leadership

July 21, 2024
Borderless Leadership

BCG analysis has found that among the 20 largest private equity (PE) fund portfolios, an average of 20% of assets are exposed to geopolitical risk (for several funds, the percentage is much higher). Companies must contend with three main areas of risk exposure: cross-border value chains, strategic sectors, and climate regulation and policies.

July 14, 2024
Borderless Leadership

A group of global CEOs recently gathered for a private dinner in a Spanish restaurant in central Tokyo, representing a variety of sectors spanning food, insurance and banking, medical devices, semiconductors, and heavy industries like steel. These are six topics that dominated the evening’s discussion.

July 7, 2024
Borderless Leadership

“Despite playing a significant role in organizations, HR is being left out of the conversation on AI adoption,” according to the report. That’s a mistake because HR leaders can help develop a strategic and holistic approach that considers the benefits, risks and objectives of AI use — while also maximizing return on investment and mitigating harms to reputation, security and inclusivity, it said.

June 29, 2024
Borderless Leadership

Most large companies are well into their digital transformations, some having started more than a decade ago. However, many executives remain disappointed with the returns on their investments in digital, with only 22% saying that they have achieved most of their goals and only 2% believing that they have achieved them completely. Bain’s research identifies six actions of companies with successful digital transformations.

June 22, 2024
Borderless Leadership

Thousands of hours spent working closely with CEOs and other leaders of top corporations and nonprofits have revealed a fascinating business phenomenon: many leaders who have mastered all the right executive skills, including financial acumen, strategic and operational management, and system thinking, still struggle to link their aspirations with the actual performance of their organizations.

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