Sector News

The Power of Empathetic Leadership

April 30, 2015
Borderless Leadership

I know you may have the title of leader, however that doesn’t automatically make you one. You must know this: You cannot lead those whose trust you have not earned! I realize that some folks don’t believe we evolved…everyone to there own. That being said there is another side to evolution worth considering; that being, are we still evolving?

Over the last twenty or so years, it has become clear that the answer is a resounding YES! The scientific evidence says that as humans have evolved our brain does not work the way the brain of our ancestors did. As part of this ongoing evolution we have created within our brains a specific type of neuron called “mirror neurons.”  These neurons give us the desire to understand and empathize with one another.

It is our ability to (mostly unconsciously) fire off our mirror neurons that give us a way to connect with others whom we we otherwise dismiss. This in turn, despite what we might tell ourselves, gives us a natural propensity to trust.

A word of caution though: Trust is not automatic, nor is it “blind” (I.E: because of status), but rather it is accumulated. Meaning those neurons don’t just fire off once and then you’ve got built in trust.

Guess what? For trust to actually “stick” it requires Authenticity, Transparency, Accountability. (or simply put for you to become a Full Monty Leader)

As you can see, it’s only logical that in an economic era where organizations are scrambling to hold on to their top people, creating an environment that breeds loyalty must become a top priority. However, this will not be truly possible until we embrace The Power of Empathetic Leadership

Your Money or Your Empathy

As leaders you and I both know: Throwing money at the problem and competing on salary no longer cuts it.  As leaders we must create a Corporate Culture that is an environment that generates trust, because trust based on Authenticity, Transparency, Accountability enforces loyalty not only among your team, but also your customers.

Bottom line is…Trust breeds loyalty and in turn brings prosperity. This happens because there is a deepened sense of connection that enhances performance, birthing high achievers in your organization.

Remember this: An Authentic Leader is always creating a culture of leaders.

The more Authentic, Transparent and Accountable you are, the more trusted you will be!

By Dov Baron

Source: Full Monty Leadership

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