Sector News

Mind Games: A webinar to help you get what you are looking for in your next job

June 21, 2018
Borderless Leadership

Thursday, June 28 at 5pm GMT is the time to gain an understanding of how our minds play a fundamental role in the search for a new job or career.

Organised by friends of Borderless, Not Actively Looking ( and led by Martin Palethorpe of the Pragma Group, this 75 minute session will examine the fundamentals of the human mind and how the quality of our thoughts shape and determine our actions, from what we look for, to how we go about getting what we need.

He’ll cover the essentials to help you:

• Quieten the noise in your head
• Access higher quality clearer thinking about what you really want
• Put your best foot forward during interviews.
• Develop the mindset for success

Martin is a leading Executive Coach based in the UK, and a specialist in transforming how & what people think. Over 20 years, he’s worked with many senior leaders and Boards across some of Europe’s leading organisations. An adventurer by inclination, Martin has run across deserts and raced to the North Pole.

Use this link to sign up for the session:

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