Sector News

Lead People to Believe in Themselves

December 11, 2014
Borderless Leadership

The best leaders are those who lead people to believe in themselves.

People believe in themselves when they have a reason to commit to something significant and meaningful.

When people feel inspired by their leader, leadership is at its best.
When people are made to feel important, when they know they matter and they have an important role, they bring their best to all they need to accomplish. Inspiration drives motivation.

When people understand the direction of the vision, leadership is at its prime.
People need to know where they are heading and why they are headed there. Once they have that knowledge, they can leverage their talent to achieve great results. Direction fosters purpose.

When people feel safe to make mistakes, leadership is supportive.
While success relies on innovation and creativity, it also takes many mistakes to succeed. When your people feel safe to fail, you have done your job in preparing them to meet challenges and letting them know they will go unscathed when they make mistakes. A safety net promotes security.

When people experience trust in their own ability, leadership is at its peak.
Those you entrust feel important and empowered. Trust encourages people to bring their talent and knowledge and become part of the team. Trust leads to confidence.

When people know they can contribute in a meaningful way, leadership is optimal.
It is important for people to know that they have a genuine contribution to make, that what they do is instrumental in achieving significant results. Meaning creates justification.

Give your people a reason to believe in themselves and watch them create something meaningful and significant.

Lead From Within: When you believe in people, you get people to believe in themselves. And when that happens you can achieve great things together.

Source: Lolly Daskal – Lead from within

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