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3 qualities the best onboarding programs have

October 13, 2015
Borderless Leadership

It’s a pretty hefty claim to say “I have the best onboarding program.” It might be a fit for your company, but what about the candidates and new hires you bring to the team? If they are your ideal employee (i.e., fits in with the team, works well with those around them, and has the skills necessary to succeed), but they don’t do well during onboarding or you find yourself losing more candidates than you attract while they are trying to get through all of the paperwork… what are you doing wrong? Here are 3 qualities the best onboarding programs have. The only question you need to ask is if your onboarding program is up to par.

1. Create a Plan

The best onboarding programs are founded on a robust strategy. What does yours look like? If you’re unable to answer this simple question, you need to start rethinking what you expect your onboarding program to accomplish. Considering the vast majority of organizations (71%) are currently in the process of updating their onboarding programs, you’re not alone in the need to reassess the strategy. Another 86% consider the updates to be anywhere from moderate to major. In a business in near constant technological metamorphosis, it’s important to keep these strategies updated.

2. Communicate

New cultures with different personality types can be overwhelming for your new hires. The best way to handle this rush of newness is keeping an open line of communication. Even when it comes to paperwork, many new hires are left to fend for themselves in filling their onboarding packets. This doesn’t have to be the case. That’s why we’ve got a helpline for your new hires in case they don’t know what they should claim on their I-9s, for example. We can walk them through their paperwork, or let them take the wheel; anyway they approach the signatures, it’s all organized and neatly filed for your and their convenience.

3. Prepare

You have your strategy in place, what next? You still need to prepare for new hires. This means having all your ducks in a row, paperwork ready, and their materials at hand. In order to be successful employees, your new hires will need to have their expectations set before them in anticipation of their new position. Sujan Patel said: “To ensure your new employees integrate smoothly into your company, it’s important that you start preparing for them before the first day. For starters, you’ll want to create an agenda for their first week, which will help clarify for you and the new hire what you expect right away. You can also use this time to fill in key coworkers on what to expect when the new hires start working with them.”

Preparation needs to happen on all fronts. Not just for your new hires, but for the rest of their new team as well. Depending on the needs of the new hire and the team, it could determine the success of integration and socialization. The best onboarding programs have mastered the art of preparation; to match their value, be ready for your new hires before they breach your doors.

So what does it mean to have one of “the best onboarding programs?” It means a regularly updated strategy that includes expectations of the program. To have an effective onboarding program, employers need to ensure they have open lines of communication with their candidates and new hires in case of any concerns during the process. Is your team – your organization – ready for the influx of new hires during your next hiring cycle?

By Christine Marino

Source: Business2Community

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